We’re here to build great restaurants that don’t just survive - they thrive in every season.

Welcome in, I’m Kris, the founder of Fresh Perspective. Together we’re going to take your restaurant to the next level - whether you’re starting buried in the basement, or scoping out penthouses. We’re going to dive into every topic that matters and get you growing with no fluff and no filler.

  • “How can I hire a quality team when no one wants to work?”

  • “What do I do about my negative reviews?”

  • “How can I take time to work on business and strategy when I’m already carrying every function myself?”

  • “Every single one of my costs is going up. I can’t keep raising prices forever, what do I do?”

Hospitality is so lucky to have you - someone who’s actually passionate about their work, who shows up with their whole selves every day, and who’s put in more than their share of blood, sweat, and tears into “making magic in a world that could use more of it.”

  • “I want to build something I can pass onto my children.”

  • “I know my food is great - I want it to be the cornerstone of a great restaurant.”

  • “I want to run the business side of my restaurant without being too ‘business-y’”

  • “I just need someone to tell me what I’m missing to get people in the door - I’d do anything.”

You could spend years reading every book and blog on marketing, accounting, hospitality and more. You could spend tens of thousands of dollars getting a business degree. You could struggle through and hope you learn everything you need to learn in the school of hard knocks.


Or you could sign up for the (100% free) Fresh Perspective newsletter where you’ll learn practical tips you can implement tonight and ways of working that’ll grow your restaurant: debt and stress-free. Sign up below to get started and I promise, no fluff, no filler, just results.

Friends smiling and toasting with drinks.