“No one wants to work anymore.”

It’s 20 minutes until dinner service starts, and your phone buzzes. Before you even look, you know what it’s going to be: yet another text from one of your team members saying they won’t be able to make it. If even if everyone did show up, you’d still be short staffed - just as you have been for months. This is just another nail in the coffin of tonight’s service. You take a deep breath and get ready to let the team know it’s going to be another hectic night. At the host stand you spot a marker and a sheet of paper. With a few strokes, you admit defeat to your customers “Please be patient with us, as we are short-staffed this evening. We apologize for any inconvenience.”

I’m Kris and I’ve been leading teams of various sizes for more than 15 years across a ton of different industries. I’ve seen job markets where I couldn’t even review all of the resumes that were coming in, and I’ve seen and worked through markets where managers were begging their team members to refer someone, anyone, to fill a vacant role. I’ve had teams that couldn’t wait to get to work each day, and I’ve had teams that made me wonder every day if today was the day they called it quits.

I’ve been where you are - staring down mountains of work knowing you don’t have the people or the hours to get it done. Wondering which ball you’re going to decide to drop today because it’s the only way to make sure the others stay in the air. So you take on more yourself. You stay late. You ask your already-buried team members to take on just one more thing that’s barely a part of their job description. You make it work and you survive another day. But you know you can’t do this forever.

All the while, you’re sacrificing forward movement. That book that was recommended to you continues to go unread. You push off that meeting with your accountant for another week. You wonder, how many tax extensions are you actually allowed to file? You just can’t ever seem to get out of the hole and move forward. And it feels suffocating.

When I faced this problem, I read everything I could on the subject: turnover case studies, management books, human resources philosophies, everything. And it all kept coming back to the same theme:

keeping is always easier than replacing.

That’s the basis for the system I developed. It’s been worked, tested, re-worked, and tested again to ensure I’m bringing you a product that I know will deliver results. By following the steps in this FREE guide, you’ll develop loyalty from your team in a way that your competitors can only dream about.

A strong team is the backbone of any successful restaurant. You bring them on in the first place to keep the lights on: to run food, to do prep work, to wash dishes, to take orders and upsell, why? Because you’re incapable of doing those things? No. Because you have your sights set on higher value tasks: creating a new seasonal menu, meeting with investors and franchising, building relationships with the community. All of these things you can do, if you know the day-to-day is being handled. I’ll show you how to build a team you can count on. A team that wants to see you win. A team that’ll stick with you through good times and bad. Enter your information in the form below and I’ll send it right away, absolutely free.

Contact directly anytime at Kris@GetAFreshPerspective.com

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