"When you try to be all things to all people, you inevitably succeed at being nothing to anyone."

- Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind

Bookings are low, but you’ve got a steady stream of faces. The same faces. Every restaurant loves regulars. What could be wrong with keeping Frank, who comes in every Thursday night, orders a bacon cheeseburger with no tomato and double fries happy?

You walk around warmly greeting the few new faces that do come in, they seem to be enjoying themselves. “How was everything?” You ask. “Good.” They say. “Good”. “Good” aint bad.

I’m Kris and in a past life I advised corporations on risk. They wanted me to tell them that they weren’t updating their computers fast enough. That they weren’t spending enough on marketing. That they weren’t hiring from the right schools. But over and over again, I found the same problem: they’d lost their soul. Blackberry was once the premiere smart device for business. It had business-centric features no one else had. It advertised security first and meant it. It sold the way businesses bought and solved problems business people had. Then, iPhone and Android rose to prominence. Blackberry decided they’d rather have a chunk of that consumer device market than continue dominating in the business space and keep their soul. It cost them everything.

One day you were reviewing your menu and thinking “Every restaurant I’ve been to recently has Thai chili shrimp on the menu, we should do that too.” Next, small plates and craft cocktails, soul food and Asian fusion, and what self-respecting restaurant doesn’t have nachos on its menu? And it was all good. But people don’t tell their friends about restaurants where the food is “good”. Your guests broke into two factions: the regulars who like that they can get just what they want, when they want, and they know it’ll be good. They smile at you and thank you for the reliability. Meanwhile, your revenue dwindles and you wonder at what’s going wrong.

Reading the latest food blogs, you learn that salmon is outselling every other fish by a wide margin. Excitedly, you head in, set your chef loose on a recipe, and add it to your procurement lists. It’s a hit. The customers love it, it’s driving check averages up. What’s not to love?

There is one hitch - your servers (and a few of the customers) are starting to complain that the food is taking forever to come out. You head to the kitchen and find it in a frenzy. Wait times have been getting longer for a while, but tonight it’s come to a head. Is a change in chef in order? Some new processes? Better prep?

None of the above. You need to fix your menu.

I’ll bring an outsider’s view, show you what your customers are seeing, what’s slowing down your chefs, and help you rediscover your soul. Best of all, we’ll get it done in only an hour.

To celebrate the launch of this course, I’m offering a special introductory price to the first 25 students who sign up. After that, the price will be going up, so don’t wait! Fill in the form below to lock in your spot now!

Special Promotional Rate $147


Contact directly anytime at Kris@GetAFreshPerspective.com

©2024 Fresh Perspective | Atlanta, Georgia